Leave No One Behind: Human Resources Can Do Worders

If I take a pen and a paper to write the benefits of education, only the ink of the pen will end. Let me summarize how much is on my mind. Education continues to be the backbone of global development. Similarly, education is the solution to every problem, the key to any possible change in today and tomorrow's society. And The values transmitted the knowledge, the mistakes of the past, and the challenges of tomorrow. The tools for defining development include education, quality of life, and life expectancy.

The developed world is advanced in science. In 1950, this globe was divided into three stages depending on where they were. The United States, led by the United States, was ranked No. 1 in the world. The socialist states were ranked the 2nd in the world. Most of the countries that were under colonial rule at that time were nicknamed the Third World.

This idea was invented by a Frenchman named Alfred Sauvy, who studied Sociology. This indicates that knowledge is in order. Education and knowledge are the key elements in life changes. It is agreed that a lack of education in today is tomorrow's unemployment. Poverty is caused by unemployment. The issue is that lack of education is the root cause of poverty that has crippled half of the world.

The most talked problem in the world this century is poverty. Hunger and poverty cause more people to die every hour from hunger and curable diseases. Year after year, the number of poor people is increasing, in 1975 only 25 countries were poor, and now when looking beyond income to people experiencing deprivation in health, education, and living standards, 1.3 billion people in 107 developing countries are multi-dimensionally poor, according to a 2020 report by the UN Development Programme. Countries that we take as an example every day have only reached that point because their people have benefited from it by setting the best educational system in the world. The only thing that can save these people is to teach them, train them, and then create jobs. I throw in the deaths of those people if we cannot say that education is the nation's lifeblood. Just as water needs life, so does education. Apart from the Gulf states and the crisis, as long as there is peace, there is an opportunity for building educational infrastructure. Singapore was annexed by Malaysia in 1965, they were two million poor. After a long struggle, the country was lifted out of poverty and into the third world. He made it into the first world, and the instrument he used was for his people to teach skills and open colleges. It is a small country of 640km square. One city in Somalia is bigger, yet Singapore is the commercial hub of Asia.

Lee Kuan Yew has saved his nation with knowledge and experience. The first educational institutions to be opened in Singapore were places to study military science. Recently, the Singapore government unveiled the Singapore Green Plan 2030. This is a nationwide movement to advance Singapore's national agenda on sustainable development and features five key pillars: City in Nature, Sustainable Living, Energy Reset, Green Economy, and Resilient Future.

Mwalimu Julius Nyerere was Tanzania's first president in 1962. He was a far-sighted politician, uniting the two regions (Tanganyika and Zanzibar) into two colonialists. When Mwalimu was young, he traveled 26 miles (41km) to study. Without that effort, his country will not prosper. Nyerere was a university professor with extensive knowledge. He received his primary education at Makarere University, Uganda, and his secondary education in the United Kingdom. When his country gained independence, he was one of the poorest in Africa. Hard work and dedication have awakened people to plant. Nyerere wondered where did the knowledge of the African people go? He established a partnership based on agriculture. When the foundation is laid, the development of education becomes more and more open day by day. 

Japan is a good example. It is one of the largest and most developed economies in the world. It has a well-educated, industrious workforce and its large, affluent population makes it one of the world’s biggest consumer markets. Japan’s economy was the world’s second-largest (behind the US) from 1968 until 2010 when it was overtaken by China. Its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2016 was estimated to be USD 4.7 trillion, and its population of 126.9 million enjoys a high standard of living, with a per capita GDP of just below USD 40,000 in 2015.

With its phenomenal economic revival from the ashes of World War II, Japan was one of the first Asian countries to climb the value chain from cheap textiles to advanced manufacturing and services – which now account for the majority of Japan’s GDP and employment. Primary industries, including agriculture, account for just 1% of GDP.

Available personal property is divided into three:

1. Property with you

2. Property on you

3. Your property

Knowledge is your treasure; if anything happens, you will not be left behind. It is an asset when you pay more. It does not need to be guarded; any property ends up using it, but the knowledge goes downhill and it increases you. Somalis have been pursuing education since the 12th century when Islam came to us in the Arab world. Learning the religion is a must. I say It is the basis of worship; it is obligatory and it does not rain without knowledge. In the Quran, in many places, the merits and value of seeking an education are discussed. The value of education that Somalis value is nurtured by the student at school. The teacher was advised that he had his skin, which meant teaching well. In other words, every country in the world has its own way of doing things for its children. This is set by a branch of government and has visions and goals. The individual's education is shaped by that goal, which is the basis of the curriculum; the syllables made in another country will not make our children look good.

As I come down from society and country, I focus on the importance of education to the individual. It develops critical thinking. This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people (e.g. boosting creativity). The individual is responsible for the environment, the more they think, what nurtures one's thoughts and intellect is knowledge, in this world people come in the same way but don't think the same way. Education opens the door to great gates and a different way of thinking and behaving.

Leave no one behind: Human resources can do wonders



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