
Showing posts from November, 2021

4 years later; a reflection on my time at university.

On November 4, 2021, four amazing and challenging years of university culminated in the graduation ceremony for the class of 2021. It was surreal and strangely unexpected—even after all of the testing, preparation, and exams, it doesn't feel like it could possibly be time to graduate. University was a stressful couple of years, where I shed some tears over assignments, struggled to fit in. But I also learned so much about myself as a person .  Even through all the struggles of late nights studying, the need to adapt quickly to new subjects, new lecturers, and struggling to master new techniques, it still feels like it's gone by too fast. It's bittersweet, also, to be writing a blog post about my time at Mogadishu University (MU) after four years. I'm extremely grateful for the experiences I've had at MU. Over the past four years, I've been taught by a wonderful faculty and also by an extremely dedicated and inspirational team of public administrators. My Pub