“I use my art to raise awareness.”

Every time you start a new activity in the community, especially when you are practicing some skills that are not common for girls, you will face a lot of pressure from different sections of the society, particularly in a country where girls are traditionally not allowed to do some of the things men do. It is quite common for our people to try to discourage you from gaining certain knowledge if you are a girl.

Fatima Aweis Osman, a young girl born in Saudi Arabia in Jeddah, is an artist who first returned to Mogadishu in 2015. She started her education journey in Saudi Arabia but finished high school in Mogadishu. Fatima's family did not have any art background and it was not something she went to school to learn.

“My family did not have an art background, and I did not have a place to study. It would have been nice if I had that opportunity but there was no art center, it was only something I loved”. She noted.

“One day, our teacher brought us an art painting for the first time in our class and he told us to try this painting. I was already practicing art so I drew it as intended. Then, the teacher saw me from a distance and called me, encouraging me to continue. If it hadn't been that teacher I don't think I would have made an effort. It was in 2011 that I made my first day of this kind of art” She Stated 

A girl, well-versed in the arts, often posting her messages on social media, and not growing up in her own country, dared to take on such a difficult task, and some men discriminate against her profession, and some people say this is a sin became a challenge for Fatima.

“There are some things that are bothering you but that does not stop you. For example, some people believe that art is forbidden, and say that it is not good. Some are sexually disrespectful to you. They say a girl should not draw. I remember when I was a beginner and loved art. A man said to me, leave the art industry for boys. I was angry. When I was young I believed that a girl could do what she wanted. I have never faced greater challenges”.

She continued, "I use my art to raise awareness. Most of the pictures I like to convey messages that reflect peace and education”. Once I asked for the messages she uses for the art.

“I believe my dream will come true. I am always committed to my artistic career, I will continue and I want to achieve more”. She added.

Showing your skills is a God-given gift if you don't have people to encourage you, to stay, don't stop anyone. It is problematic. Fatima now works as an artist and helps her family. She teaches children how to make art and plans to start art classes using social media, to benefit others who are interested in strengthening or learning the arts.



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